Course curriculum
Introduction to the Course
Obtaining a Harp
Lever harp Vs. Pedal harp
Everything you Need to Get Started
How to Hold the Harp
How to Hold your Wrists and Fingers
How to make sure your Harp is in Tune
New Lesson
Tuning your full Range Lever Harp for Optimal Versatility
Tuning your lever harp to the key of c starting from the key of e flat
Tuning your Harp to the Key of C
Tuning your Lever Harp to the key of G
Tuning your Lever Harp to the Key of D
Tuning your Lever Harp to the Key of A
Tuning your Lever Harp to the Key of F
Tuning your Lever Harp to the Key of B Flat
Tuning your Harp to the Key of E Flat
How to Make Sure your Harp is in Tune
Guide to the Lectures found in Tuning your Lever Harp
Pedals on the Pedal Harp
Tuning your Pedal Harp to the Key of F
Tuning your Pedal Harp to the Key of B Flat
Tuning your Pedal Harp to the Key of E Flat
Tuning your Pedal Harp to the Key of G
Tuning your Pedal Harp to the Key of D
Tuning your Pedal Harp to the Key of E Flat
Exercise #1- The Scale
Exercise #2- The Arpeggio
Guide to the Lectures found in "Introduction to Reading Music"
Finding Middle C on the Harp
The Relationship of the Musical Staff to the Harp
Learning the notes on the treble clef
Locating Notes in the Treble Clef
Guide to the Lectures found in "Learning the Bass Clef"
Introduction to the Bass Clef: Learning the LInes and Spaces
Finding notes in the Bass Clef on the Harp
More Practice Identifying Notes in the Bass Clef
Reading Music in the Bass Clef: FInger Placement
Guide to the Lectures found in "Note and Rest Values"
Whole Notes, Quarter Notes, and Half Notes
The Eighth Note
The SIxteenth Note
When you see a dot at the end of Note
Timing of Rests
Time SIgnature
Exercise #1-Counting Half Notes and Quarter Notes
Exercise #2- Counting Eighth Notes
Exercise #3- Counting Half Rests
About this course
- $67.00
- 61 lessons
- 7 hours of video content